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Assembly and Frisbee Workshops at Clive Draycott School

It was a special day being back at Clive Draycott School.

I was last here in 2015 and it’s always a different experience working with a small school.

Not only did I get a lot more time to teach frisbee, but I also got to connect with the students since there were only 61 in the entire school.

Huge thanks to Jessica for having me in as a guest!

Today was also taco in a bag day, so I came at a good time!

I made the trickshot on the first attempt, gave the students my Kindness Challenge (no screens in the bedroom, at the dinner table, and before bed), and got to show them a lot of skills, games, and tricks with frisbee including ultimate, disc golf, freestyle, dodge disc, creating throws, and inventing games.