I recently found out that I was approved for my 8th, 9th, and 10th Guinness World Records!
These records are for Mini Flying Disc Self-Caught Flight on Ice Skates!
Although I attempted these back in 2018, the approval got delayed due to Covid and a few other factors. But it’s official now!
Never did I imagine this was possible and for these records on particular I owe a huge thanks to Jason Brown for pushing me and being a part of the attempts!
The 3 new records are:
- Longest Time Aloft Flying Mini Disc Throw Wearing Ice Skates: 6.40 seconds
- Longest Mini Flying Disc Throw and Catch on Ice Skates: 39.85 metres
- Highest Score Mini Flying Disc Self-Caught Flight on Ice Skates: 71.70 (5.79 s/ 39.85 m)
Official Listings on the Guinness World Records website:
- MTA: https://guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/655798-longest-time-aloft-flying-mini-disc-throw-wearing-ice-skates-male
- TRC: https://guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/655845-longest-mini-flying-disc-throw-and-catch-on-ice-skates-male
- SCF: https://guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/716693-highest-score-mini-flying-disc-self-caught-flight-on-ice-skates-male