For the past four years, since first hearing about this tournament, it’s easily become my favourite weekend of the year because I get to see my frisbee family. This year was special because I played really well and ended up in the top 10 overall! I won Distance with a throw of 176 yards and I also won MTA and the Mr. Bubble trophy with a catch at 11.5 seconds!
You can watch video of my winning throw here:
This weekend would not have been possible or as special without the help from Jason and Melissa Koonts, Randy Lahm, Jack and Lisa Berman Cooksey, Sam and Emily Kaye, Bill Wright, Courtenay Walsh, Cliff Mcleod, my awesome DDC partner Lori Daniels and of course Tita Ugalde who gave me the blue Oly FB3 that I used all weekend for MTA! Thanks again Eric Olsen, Margret Ellington Dorr, John M Sovitsky and the Lazlos crew for making Shelter H special and welcoming me home!