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Self and Wellness Carousel Day at WJ Fricker

Last week, I was invited to be the keynote speaker WJ Fricker Public School for their Self and Wellness Carousel Day, which was awesome!

I worked closely with Don Charbonneau over the last few months to come up with a plan and learn more about the messages and their goal for the day, which was focused on self care, self awareness, and self perception,.

In addition to giving my Resiliency talk at the beginning of the day, I ran 6 frisbee workshops to all the grades during the day and then wrapped up the day with a final message. I gave the students my Unplugg’d Challenge and talked to them about the importance of decreasing their screen time and increasing their play time.

Thanks again Don and Heather for having me in! I had a great time and I am looking to coming back in the future!