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Maximum Time Aloft Tips and Training Session

MTA or Maximum Time Aloft is one of the disciplines in an Overall competition.

The intention is to have your disc stay in the air (aloft!) as long as possible and then catch it with one hand before it reaches the ground. The time that the disc remains in the air is measured with a stopwatch. Players get five attempts and the best time counts. For an accurate timing, three stopwatches are used. The median or middle time of the three times is used. At the moment the world record is 16.72 seconds. MTA is one of the two components of Self Caught Flight; TRC being the other.

I’m the current and 5-time consecutive World Champion in Self Caught Flight (’13, ’14, ’15, ’17, ’19). I also hold 12 WFDF World Records for Self Caught Flight on Ice Skates, and I hold the Canine MTA WFDF World Record along with Davy Whippet.

My best MTA is 15.37 seconds at the 2013 WFDF World Overall Flying Disc Championships in Norrköping, Sweden.

My best MTA on ice skates is 14.14 seconds when I broke the WFDF World Record at the 2018 Silver Skate Festival in Edmonton, Alberta.

My best canine MTA is 10.59 seconds with Davy Whippet which is the WFDF World Record set in 2017 in Regina, Saskatchewan.

I currently hold the Minnesota State MTA Record which is 14.53 seconds set in 2014 at the Minnesota Overall Flying Disc Competition.