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Tommy Douglas Open 2021 Recap

This weekend, I competed in the 2021 Tommy Douglas Open, the largest disc golf tournament ever held in Regina.

I’m going to break it down in two ways – the finite game (my tournament play) and the infinite game (everything else).

Finite game: my tournament play

Other than winning the long drive on hole #4 with a big roller, my play was less than stellar. I’ve been pretty committed to putting practice the last few weeks but my confidence still isn’t there. I was off a bit this weekend and never really took the time to pause and get back in a rhythm.

My release point was pretty inconsistent. I haven’t played much over the last 18 months so my timing is all over the place. Knowing that, I did my best to adjust and did have some great shots, but knew I couldn’t expect much.

My arm is feeling so much better than a year ago. It’s really nice to finish a round and not have to ice my elbow. Ultimately the issue was with the tricep, so focusing on building that has helped so much.

Next weekend is Falcon’s Flight, a tournament at Rudy’s two incredible courses, featuring coverage from CentralCoastDiscGolf, and the largest payout in Canadian history.

Putting this week and making sure I’m ready to play my game is the plan!

Infinite game: Everything else

I ran 4 coaching sessions on Friday (2 disc golf, 1 dog disc, and 1 private) and will be running 1 more private session today. I’m constantly learning how to be more effective with my teaching so I was really happy with how the lessons went. I’m seeing more and more how many people are being held back from not having the right grip for a backhand (or not understanding the function of the grip in general) so a lot of my lessons involve going back to the basics to help people build a solid foundation from the ground up.

I got another chance to interview Jeri-Ann & Arlen and this time it went perfectly. No technical glitches, the audio sounds great, and so I’ll be getting that posted this week.

I’m still not where I need to be, but having time on my own to think, reflect, and dig into what I’ve been through and how far I’ve come is important. The last month has been pretty intense between reading more about depression and ADHD (thanks Joey for the book recommendation – ADHD 2.0), digging into the righting reflex, facing the regret & shame from my past, and getting some school bookings for Sept/Oct. Life is going to change pretty quickly and it’s going to be an adjustment – it’s been 18 months since I was doing my job full time. I have greatly missed it but it’s going to take some time to get back into the rhythm. I’m so grateful to have such a supportive partner in CJ!

A few weeks ago, I hired a nutrition coach and have been learning how to eat healthy/properly while on the road and while competing. A few times during the round, I ate a bit late and noticed my energy and mental state slip a bit, so that’s something I’ll be keying in on for next weekend. So far so good through. It’s simple but it’s not easy!

Thanks again Drew and Ashley for hosting me and giving me the chance for lots of puppy love!

Big thanks to Eric and Tanya for running such an amazing tournament. Also, huge shoutout to everyone from the Regina Disc Golf Association who was involved in the new tournament layout – really loved the new holes!