It was an emotional day at Sunchild First Nation School. Although this is my 3rd year for a frisbee residency, it’s the first year for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
I was grateful and humbled to have been there today. It’s terrible what was done to so many children, and consequently their families as they’ve struggled to live with the unimaginable horror. The intergenerational trauma is enormous and there is so much work to be done.
All I can do is hope that I bring some hope and joy to the lives of the students who have been impacted so greatly. It really puts things into perspective and it can be overwhelming when you hear the stories and listen to the work/healing that has been done/still needs to be done.
Here are some links to get started:
- National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation –
- The Survivor’s Flag –
- Orange Shirt Day – Every Child Matters –
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation –