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Beckler & Seanna VS Frisbee Rob Trick Shot Battle for Charity

Beckler & Seanna from the X92.9 Morning Show have a trick shot battle against Frisbee Rob.

They use a slingshot and Rob uses a Dodgebee. The goal is to see who can get the most successfully inside the box of the Toyota Tundra.

All of this is to raise awareness for the X92.9 5th annual SOX THAT ROCK Sock Drive in support of Inn From The Cold with Sock Rocket and Charlesglen Toyota!

Donations can be dropped off at Charlesglen Toyota during their business hours.

For every new pair of socks you bring, you’ll be entered to win an awesome prize pack featuring:

  • 1 year subscription to Sock Rocket
  • $300 new windshield credit to Charlesglen Toyota

If they can collect over 929 pairs of socks, Sock Rocket will TRIPLE it and send all the donations straight to Inn From The Cold!

Find out more about the Sox that Rock Sock Drive: