During the 2022 World Overall Flying Disc Championships (WOC) in San Diego last week, Calgarian “Frisbee Rob” McLeod won gold in Self-Caught Flight for the 6th consecutive time, with his first win coming at the WOC in Sweden 2013.

His totals were:
- Maximum Time Aloft (MTA): 11.78 seconds
- Throw Run Catch (TRC): 79.8 metres
- Self Caught Flight (SCF): 144.59
This is Rob’s favourite disc sport, and the one that best represents the essence
of frisbee – throwing, running, and catching while using the wind to get the best
flight possible!
In addition to his gold medal in Self-Caught Flight, Rob also made the finals in 3
other events and finished top 10 in 5 events.
- Overall: 5th
- Self-Caught Flight: 1st
- Accuracy: 2nd
- Disc Golf: 3rd
- Distance: 5th
- Discathon: 6th
- DDC (Double Disc Court): 11th
- Freestyle: T-16th
Rob was the only Canadian competing and in total there were around 85
competitors from 4 countries.
Interview Requests:
Rob is on the WFDF Board of Directors and is the Chair of the Overall
Committee in addition to being a full-time motivational speaker and frisbee
ambassador. Rob has 6 Guinness World Records and 14 World Championships
in the sport of flying disc.
Rob can do a live demo during the broadcast, teach the host to throw and catch,
do a trickshot live on camera, talk about the work he’s doing in schools to grow
the sport of frisbee and gets kids (and families) off screens, and talk about the
potential for frisbee on a local and global scale.
Rob has appeared on live tv more than 20 times, and has been on live radio
more than 10 times, so he has a lot of experience with media, and would love
the opportunity to grow the sport of flying disc, and bring interesting content to
your viewers/listeners.
Please contact Rob directly (403-618-2946 or rob@frisbeerob.com)
What is an Overall Flying Disc Competition?
An Overall competition is similar to the heptathlon in track and field. The Overall
combines seven (7) disciplines — some individual and some partner events —
and tests the player’s skills and abilities across the spectrum of disciplines.
The player who scores the highest combined point total for his or her final
ranking in each discipline is the Overall champion.
A full-format Overall competition includes:
- Accuracy
- Discathon
- Disc Golf
- Distance
- Double Disc Court
- Freestyle
- Self-Caught Flight
Double Disc Court and Freestyle are played in pairs; Freestyle can also be a coop,
or three-person, competition.
These disciplines are critical to an Overall competition because they gauge a
player’s skill and ability to play cooperatively, an intrinsic element of most disc
sports. The full-format Overall competition is usually staged over a week, testing
an athlete’s stamina, endurance and concentration, as well as their proficiency
in disc skills.