Last night, I was honoured to receive the EDGE/PDGA Education Award for 2021 during the players meeting at the 2022 USDGC/TPWDGC at Winthrop University!
Article on the PDGA website is now published:
Four months ago, I found out that I had been selected as the recipient of this award, and was invited to attend as both a VIP guest and a staffer, helping support the school clinics being hosted by EDGE at the event.
EDGE was created by the duo of Jay & Des Reading, and I owe a huge thanks to Jay for working with me to make this happen. Jay (Yeti) is in The Disc Golf Hall of Fame and is a 5-time Putting World Champion. Des is also in the Hall of Fame and is a 3-time Disc Golf World Champion.
I was fortunate to also be interviewed today by Terry Miller (The Disc Golf Guy) for the Disc Golf Network. Interview is available for all subscribers.
I will be sharing a summary of the event once I’m home since there is still a lot of teaching, networking, spectating, interviewing, and walking to do!
I will say that it’s incredible being witness to the incredible effort and production which has gone into this event – from the vendor village, to the course itself, to the spectators, and seeing the top players in the world all competing for one of the most coveted major titles.
Thanks to Innova Discs for the support and everyone who has helped make this happen.
I want to give special thanks to some individuals who have helped pave the way, contributed to the work I do either directly or indirectly, and taken time to offer support, advice, or taught me more than I could have learned on my own. Those people are: Zoe & Dustin from Uplay Disc Golf, Daniel Roddick, Tita Ugalde, Todd Brodeur, Gary Auerbach, Brian Hayes, Mike & Jeannette Ross, Yarden Borkow, and my dad Cliff Mcleod.
Also a huge thank you to all of the schools, principals, Phys Ed teachers, and students who have believed in me and taken a chance on me, even when they weren’t quite sure what frisbee was all about.
As Rolf Potts said in his latest episode on the Tim Ferriss Show – I add in the first part:
[Frisbee/Disc Golf] “Gives us a community. Gives us people to be curious with.”
I couldn’t have imagined a better group of people to be curious with. Grateful forever and always to be a part of the frisbee family.