MTA or Maximum Time Aloft is one of the disciplines in an Overall competition. The intention is to have your disc stay in the air… Read More »Maximum Time Aloft Tips and Training Session
I sat down with Dr. Elena Warkentin, a chiropractor and disc golfer, to talk about foot health and foot wear for disc golfers. What we… Read More »Footwear and Foot Health for Disc Golf
A few months ago, I was interviewed for a piece on tips to throw a frisbee for Woman’s Day Magazine. I was excited to see how it turned out and I must say that they did a great job with the article!Read More »Woman’s Day Magazine July 2018
Although I’ve been speaking in public since elementary school (I fondly remember writing notes on recipe cards that I would refer to as I did my speech), my speaking abilities really improved once I started speaking professionally in schools 4.5 years ago.Read More »Frisbee Rob’s Top 5 Tips for Public Speaking