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frisbee rob

Today was supposed to be a big day for me…and it still was, although only half as big as I was hoping. The reason? Rain! So far this week everyday has been humid, then rain, then clear skies. Today was no exception, except the rain came down with more fury than any other day and that led to the tournament director deciding to postpone Self Caught Flight until tomorrow.Read More »Day 4 Update: 2018 US Open – Distance & Rain Delay

Well Day 2 definitely did not go as planned. My goal was to get up after a good rest (since the previous night I slept only 2 hours in the after arriving at 5am from the airport). Unfortunately, I got to bed quite late and after hitting snooze on my alarm a few times, finally woke up at 10:22am, more than one hour past the starting time for disc golf. Read More »Day 2 Update: 2018 US Open – Disc Golf & Discathon

During one of my recent frisbee workshops, I had a grade 4 student tell me that I was her hero. I have never been called a hero before so after looking up the definition and doing a bit of research on what a hero is, I share my thoughts on what it means to be a hero.Read More »What It Means to Be a Hero

As I sit in the airport doing work and mentally preparing for the next few weeks, I have some time to reflect back on my trip to Nova Scotia & New Brunswick. As is common for me it seems, I’m right back where it began, but with a new collection of emotions, experiences, and stories to absorb.Read More »Coming Full Circle – Nova Scotia March 2018

Rob “Frisbee Rob” McLeod is live on the Sheldon MacLeod Show talking about getting kids Unplugg’d, his World Records in frisbee, and his work in schools teaching kids all about what’s possible with frisbee.

Read More »Frisbee Rob on the Sheldon MacLeod Show