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ultimate frisbee

Twirl a disc around your finger, with many variations! Twirl clockwise and counter clockwise, on your right and left hand. Switch fingers. Switch hands. Twirl… Read More »Twirling – Frisbee Skills

More than 130 students at Norman Carter School spent the day getting Unplugg’d, learning all about frisbee, and getting lots of exercise. They had a visit from Frisbee Rob, who challenged them to spend less time in front of a screen, encouraged them to try new things, and shows them what’s possible with frisbee.Read More »Norman Carter Students Get Unplugg’d

During one of my recent frisbee workshops, I had a grade 4 student tell me that I was her hero. I have never been called a hero before so after looking up the definition and doing a bit of research on what a hero is, I share my thoughts on what it means to be a hero.Read More »What It Means to Be a Hero

Rob “Frisbee Rob” McLeod is live on the Sheldon MacLeod Show talking about getting kids Unplugg’d, his World Records in frisbee, and his work in schools teaching kids all about what’s possible with frisbee.

Read More »Frisbee Rob on the Sheldon MacLeod Show