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Adventures, Frisbee, and Failing Forward

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Help Grow the Sport by Becoming a Patron!

My life, my passion, my purpose, and my primary goal is to introduce frisbee to as many people (mainly kids) as possible and to challenge them to Get Unplugg’d. My slogan…

Rob McLeod Breaks 6 Frisbee World Records

On Saturday, February 17, 2018, Robert “Frisbee Rob” McLeod broke 6 World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) World Records for Self Caught Flight on Ice Skates at the 2018 Silver Skate Festival. The…

February is Heart Month

Almost 16 years ago, my mom died from a heart attack. The “typical” heart attack signs weren’t there for her. Because those signs are for men, not women. After she…

Young Disc-Coverers: A Frisbee Q&A with Kids

The Frisbee Chronicles