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Adventures, Frisbee, and Failing Forward

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Throwing and Catching a Frisbee

Many people have heard of two different disc sports – ultimate Frisbee and disc golf. But at the core of the sport is the disc and the most basic activity…

Whiz Ring

Price $1.99/each Product Description This disc is great for learning how to master Freestyle Frisbee tricks. Great for a game of catch as well. Specifications Assorted Colors Sold Separately. Price…

What Are Your BHAGs?

What the heck is a BHAG? Well, according to Investopedia, a BHAG is: A Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a strategic business statement similar to a vision statement which is created to focus an organization…

18 Reasons It’s Great to be Canadian

In honour of today being Canada Day, I share with you an article from Maclean’s magazine that talks about 18 reasons it’s great to be Canadian. I am very fortunate…

Young Disc-Coverers: A Frisbee Q&A with Kids

The Frisbee Chronicles